

Insect Control - Control Insects WITH COMPANION PLANTING
Insect Control - Insects Control with Bio Pesticides
Less than 2 percent of the insects in the world are harmful. Most are beneficial.
Know your insects - learn what different stages in the life cycles look like of beneficials and pests so you don’t accidentally wage war on a happy colony of beneficials.
Pest management begins with healthy soil. It produces healthy plants, which are better able to withstand disease and insect damage.
Native trees are low maintenance; they have developed natural defenses against insects and disease over the centuries, and they rarely need pruning or feeding.
Garlic, leeks and shallots make excellent container plants. They typically have few insect or disease problems, don’t have deep roots and don’t take up much space.
Don’t use garden soil as potting soil in containers. Its quality and texture is variable; it may drain poorly or be too loose and drain too quickly. It is also more likely to contain diseases, weed seeds and insects.
Botanical insecticides are plant derivatives, and can be more toxic than some synthetics. They are, however, better in the long run because they break down rapidly and do not accumulate in the food chain as synthetics do.
Bats are the best weapon against insects you can find. Many in North America feed exclusively on insects and eat more than birds and bug zappers combined.
Use native plants in your landscaping whenever possible. They grow naturally in your climate and are less susceptible to insects and disease that occur in your area.
Wash edible blossoms first in salt water, then rinse in cold water to remove dirt and insects.
Beneficial insects are attracted to your garden by coreopsis, feverfew, and sweet alyssum.
Use barriers against pests instead of insecticides whenever possible. Some pest barriers include floating row covers, netting, copper slug and snail barriers, protective collars, and Tanglefoot Pest Barrier.
Mulch around tree trunks is protective as well as decorative; it keeps the tree trunk from being nicked by lawn mower blades. Be sure to avoid piling the mulch up around the base of the tree trunk as that spreads disease and harbors insects, however.
When bringing houseplants indoors after the summer season, be on the lookout for unwanted pests and insects that have taken up residence in the plant. Clean the plant well and be ready to fight back with least-toxic insecticides.
Plants such as garlic, onions, chives and chrysanthemums scattered around the yard and garden help repel insects.
Weeds are not usually welcomed to landscapes and gardens, but many weeds attract beneficial insects, birds and butterflies.
Plant angelica, cilantro, dill, fennel, and parsley and allow them to flower to encourage beneficial insects to visit your garden.
When transplanting tomato seedlings, cover the stem with soil up to the first set of leaves. This encourages root growth, making a stronger, healthier plant. - 101. - Diatomaceous earth makes an excellent organic insecticide - it is an abrasive white powder used to damage the cuticle, skin and joints of insects. It also makes an excellent slug barrier.
Do whatever you can to attract bats to your backyard. They are excellent insect eaters. Bat houses are available commercially and are best placed in a sunny spot about 12 to 18 feet off the ground, with fresh water available nearby.
Praying mantis are fascinating beneficial insects. They eat any insect they can physically catch and hold down to eat, mainly aphids, crickets, and grasshoppers, and they are the only insect fast enough to catch and eat mosquitoes.
Compost introduces and feeds diverse life in the soil, including bacteria, insects, worms, and more, which support vigorous plant growth.
Basil - controls flies and mosquitoes
Borage - controls tomato worm
Castor Bean - controls mole and plant lice
Catnip - controls flea beetles
Datura - controls Japanese beetles
Dead Nettle - –controls potato bugs
Flax - controls potato bugs
Garlic - controls Japanese beetle, aphids, weevils, fruit tree borers, spider mites
Henbit - general insect repellent
Horseradish - controls potato bugs
Hyssop - controls cabbage moths
Lavender - controls clothes moths (dry and place in garments)
Legumes - (planted in a rotation) - controls white fungus and corn rootworm grain crops and grasses
Marigolds - controls Mexican bean beetles, nematodes and many other insects
Mint - controls white cabbage moths
Dried Mint Dried Mint - controls clothes moths
Mole Plant Mole Plant - controls moles and mice (Mole plant is a species of Euphorbia)
Nasturtium Nasturtium - controls aphids, squash bugs, striped pumpkin beetles, wooly aphids
Pennyroyal Pennyroyal - controls ants and plant lice
Peppermint Peppermint - controls white cabbage butterflies, ants
Petunia Petunia - controls beetles
Pot Marigold Pot Marigold - controls asparagus beetles, tomato worms and many other insects
Pyrethrum Pyrethrum - controls pickleworms, aphids, leafhoppers, spider mites, harlequin bugs, imported cabbage worms and ticks
Rose Geranium Rose Geranium - (oil or crushed leaves) - general insect repellant
Rosemary Rosemary - controls cabbage moths, bean beetles, carrot flies, malaria mosquitoes
Rue Rue - controls Japanese beetles
Sage Sage - controls cabbage moths, carrot flies, ticks
Santolina Santolina - controls moths
Sassafras Sassafras - controls plant lice
Southernwood Southernwood - controls cabbage moths, malaria mosquitoes
Soybeans soybeans - (grown to shade the bases of the plants) - controls Cinch bugs and flea beetles .
Spearmint Spearmint - controls ants, aphids
Summer Savory Summer Savory - controls bean beetles
Tansy Tansy - controls flying insects, Japanese beetles, striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs and ants
Thyme Thyme - controls cabbage worms
White Geranium White Geranium - controls Japanese beetles
Wormword Wormword - controls animal intruders, cabbage worm butterflies, black flea beetles, malaria mosquitoes
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