

VEGETABLE - Growing your own vegetables at home. Grow vegetables in your Garden.
GARDENING - There's few things more rewarding than the fresh taste of a vine ripened tomato or snap pea harvested at its flavorful peak from your own garden. Backyard vegetable gardening provides quality and flavor throughout the entire growing season. For the best results, planning is essential. You should have little trouble growing successfully if you pick an appropriate site, prepare the soil well and make proper crop choices.
Artichokes - Native to the Mediterranean, growing artichokes ( Cynara scolymus ) requires cool nights and warm days.
Asparagus - One of the few perennial vegetable crops. Asparagus shoots are picked as young spears in the spring. Later in the season.
Beans - When it comes to variety and versatility, growing fresh garden beans can't be beat! All varieties are easy to grow, and all need.
Beets - Popular with home gardeners, growing beets is relatively easy. Both foliage and roots are edible and baby beets are.
Broccoli - Belonging to the cabbage or cole family, broccoli is a popular vegetable found growing in many home gardens.
Cabbage - Plants requires regular water, full sun to partial shade, and fertile, well-drained soil. If possible, avoid growing cabbage in spots.
Carrots - Crunchy and sweet, growing carrots is easy! A wonderful source of Vitamin A, they provide color and nutrition.
Cauliflower - For spring crops, plant from nursery cell packs or sow seeds indoors ten weeks before last frost. If using transplants, use only.
Celery - Almost absent of calories, yet chock-full of important vitamins and minerals, growing celery produces flavorful leafstalks.
Corn - Ears are ready to harvest three weeks after tassels appear. Look for dark green husks, brown, supple silks and plump kernels that.
Cucumbers - One of the most popular plants in today's home garden! Before you plant, consider how much space you can.
Eggplant - A warm season annual, growing eggplant is relatively easy and it is one of the prettier vegetables found in the home garden.
Garlic - A member of the onion family, garlic ( Allium sativum ) has been cultivated for thousands of years and was most likely.
Grapes - After planting, do no pruning at all during the first full year. Having abundant stems and leaves will help develop.
Horseradish - Mankind has been growing horseradish for centuries, Records indicate that the Egyptians cultivated the root.
Kale - Sow kale from seed or nursery stock in late summer for a fall harvest or early spring for summer harvest. Sow seeds 1/2 inch deep.
Lettuce - Protect lettuce from earwigs, aphids, slugs and snails, which can occasionally cause problems on the crop.
Melons - Choose a warm site that gets plenty of sun, such as along a south-facing building or wall. Make sure that the area is.
Onions - Easy to grow with a long storage life, home gardeners are growing onions more than any other vegetable!
Parsnips - When your parsnips are 6 inches tall, thin them to 3 inches apart. Put a layer of compost around the plants; then sit back and.
Peas - A frost-hardy, cool-season vegetable, home gardeners are growing peas wherever a cool season of sufficient duration exists.
Peppers - Vegetable gardeners are growing peppers at an astonishing rate. And why not? They come in all shapes, colors and sizes.
Potatoes - A cool-season vegetable, growing potatoes offers home gardeners everything they could want - easy to cultivate.
Pumpkins - Once flowers begin to develop, hand pollinate female flowers (those with a bulb-like growth attached directly to.
Radish - Originally from China, quick-growing radish is the perfect crop for impatient young gardeners. It can be harvested and eaten in.
Rhubarb - Initially grown for medicinal purposes more than 2,000 years ago, gardeners today are growing rhubarb for its tangy.
Spinach - Harvest young plants or allow plants to mature and harvest outer leaves. Spinach will reach maturity 35-45 days after planting.
Squash - Sow three to four seeds in rows or hills 1-2 inches deep, depending upon their size. Space hills four feet apart.
Sweet Potatoes - Native to Central and South America, sweet potato is one of the most important crops in tropical and subtropical countries.
Swiss Chard - Biennial. Varieties must be separated by 1/2 mile when going to seed. Will over-winter in mild climates if well mulched.
Tomatoes - While technically a fruit, growing tomatoes is a vegetable gardeners delight! Nothing beats the taste of a fresh, vine ripened.
Watermelon - There's nothing like growing watermelon in your own backyard garden. Sweet, cool and's simply delicious!
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