

Rhizobia - Rizobia
Why Use Rhizobia Inoculants? -
- Rhizobia bacteria are a group of soil based microorganisms (SBO's) which establish symbiotic relationships with legumes. These SBO's form nodules on the roots of the legumes and provide nitrogen to the plants. In return, the plants provide carbon and energy for the SBO's.
- Nitrogen is vital for plant growth. It is abundant in the atmosphere and in soil organic matter, but not in a form that plants can use. Conventional methods of providing nitrogen to plants include adding nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, or inoculating (coating) seed with nitrogen fixing bacteria. Nitrogen fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen to an inorganic form that is useable by plants.
In addition, the provide residual nitrogen, in the soil, which can reduce or eliminate nitrogen fertilizer requirements for the next growing season.
Fertilizer Rhizobia 2025
Organic Manure Improves Soybean Response to Rhizobia Inoculant and P-Fertilizer in Northern Ghana Frontiers
Insect frass fertilizer as a regenerative input for improved biological nitrogen fixation and sustainable bush bean production Frontiers
Effect of NSP Fertilizer and Rhi zobium Inoculation on Nodulation, Yield and ResearchGate
Pesticides reduce symbiotic efficiency of nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and host plants pnas.org