Red Worms

Red Worms

Red Worms  -
Red Worms
Why do you use californian red worms commercially?
Californian Red Worm - The denomination of - californian red worm - embraces a group of specimens; one of them, the eisenya foetida,was selected in the state of California during the 50 decade because of its - short reproduction cycle - (four times a year), - because of the high frecuency of mating - (produces 1 cocoon each 7 or 10 days), - its superior longevity - (15 years) - , its docility for reduced environment breeding, its voracity - and owing to the previous causes - its major - velocity and volume of worm humus or vermicompost production.
From - only one worm you attain around 10.000 descendants ending the 1 year - according to the following table that considers averages such as: 1 cocoon per worm each 10 days ,3 worms being born per cocoon (3x3=9 , 27 after 3 months) and with a 50-70% of loss for migration or death it still remains between 8 and 13 worms starting from 1 worm, with an average of - 10 - from 1 - in 3 months.
REPRODUCTION Rate of Red Worms -
1 worm by 1 cycle of 3 months produce about 10 worms after 3 months. - 4 cycles of 3 months produces about 10x10x10x10=10.000 per year
About vermicompost production rates - considering averages such as : 1 adult worm with a weight of 1 gr, feeds its weight per day ,it means 1gr, it excrets the 60% like humus or wormcompost , it means 0,6gr.
0 month - - up to 3 months - - up to 6 months - - up to 9 months - - up to 12 months -
initial stock of worms - - 1*generation - - 2*generation - - 3*generation - - 4*generation -
1000 - - 10.000 - - 100.000 - - 1.000.000 - - 10.000.000 -
worms 1kg - - 10 - - 100 - - 1.000 - - 10.000 -
food= 1kg/day - - 10 - - 100 - - 1.000 - - 10.000 -
Vermicompost 0,6kg /day - - 6 - - 60 - - 600 - - 6.000 -
protein 0,04kg/day - - 0,4 - - 4 - - 40 - - 400 -
What environment conditions are needed for worms development and which are the consequences of these conditions for vermiculture development?
Humidity: - From the beginning - 70% - up to - 40% - the end - to facilite feeding - and make easier sliding trough the material, - without reaching overflowed levels in which the material decays itself owing to the unaerate fermentation and worms death as a consequence.
Ventilation: - you must air beds for a - right normal development and breathing through worm skin - and owing to the fault of air it will be a vermicompost delay just - because of the restrictions caused by compacting on breeding, sliding , matting and/or reproduction.
Temperature: best status 12-25 C. To increase worms 20-25 C and to cocoons development 12-15 C.
pH: best status 7
Water: high levels on salt contents in water don't necessary help cocoons production, however Na salts results toxic to vegetals devaluating vermicompost.
The consequences of bad conditions are: missing or bad composted food - (adequate balance of N, C o hydrates of carbon, P, K y vitamins and others) - or predators presence - (ants, toads, birds) - , obtaining low results in production and money loss.
Which are the biological characteristics of californian red worms that determine the best production in vermiculture? - Are Worms with high devouring ability joined to explosive increase. - Since worms are born they can feed themselves when humedity and compost are favorable. Worms open their mouth and introduce food at the same time they are sliding into the soil.
Worms reproduction cycle takes place 4 times a year: - from a single worm you obtain 10.000 descendants in 1 year. - Worms possess both male and female genitals, exchanging esperm and liberating cocoons in a frecuency of 1 each 7 o 10 days, conteining 3 to 20 eggs (according to better or worse ambiental conditions) protected by a viscous substance elaborated by each of them. 25 to 30 days will be enough for incubation and 60 to 70 days to mature and to be in conditions of mating.
Fertilizer Red Worms 2025
Composting Human Waste from Mount McKinley with Worms National Park Service
Worms break down compost to make nutrient-rich fertilizer Arkansas Online
Avon fertilizer facility secures $900,000 in federal funds Spectrum News
What is Vermicomposting? Worms to the Rescue! Old Farmer's Almanac