Bio Compost

Bio Compost

BioCompost Composter Bin, Pile, meaning, definition
Bio-Compost Organic Fertilizer
Biocompost: It is an eco-friendly organic fertilizer. It is prepared from the sugar industry waste material which is decomposed and enriched of with various plants and human friendly bacteria and fungi.
Biocompost consists of nitrogen, phosphate solubilizing bacteria and various useful fungi like decomposing fungi, trichoderma viridea which protects the plants from various soil borne disease and also help to increase soil fertility which results to a good quality product to the farmers.
Compost Composter Bin, Pile, meaning, definition
Fertilizer Bio Compost 2024
Accumulation and translocation of lead in vegetables through intensive use of organic manure and mineral fertilizers with wastewater
Manure Management Practices and Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications on Manure Quality as a Fertilizer Frontiers
Municipal Compost Is Key for Regenerative Farms and Sustainable Cities NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council)
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