

Chemical vs Organic Fertilizers - Organic fertilizers differ from chemicals in that they feed your plants while building the soil. Soils with lots of organic material remain loose and airy, hold more moisture and nutrients, foster growth of soil organisms, and promote healthier plant root development. If only chemicals are added the soil gradually loses its organic matter and microbiotic activity. As this material is used up, the soil structure deteriorates, becoming compact, lifeless and less able to hold water and nutrients. This results in increased amounts of fertilizers needed to feed plants.
Organic fertilizers are made from renewable resources; chemicals are not.
Organic Fertilizers vs. Synthetic
N-P-K in Fertilizers
Chemical Fertilizers ARE Dangerous - No matter what we're told or how much we may try to delude ourselves, intuitively, we all know that chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are harmful. Why else would chemical fertilization companies be required to put those little signs in everyones' lawns that say " - STAY OFF THE GRASS - " for X days after application? Why do they wear boots and gloves and masks (the smart ones anyway)? Because it isn't safe!!
So, do you think it is really safe once they remove the signs? No. It is simply. The question is, how many exposures to a safer lawn will it take to equal the toxic results of being exposed to an unsafe lawn that has one of those little signs on it?
How many times each week do your children and pets go out and run around and roll in the grass, rubbing those chemicals all over their body and ingesting the dust and/or fumes?
"But," you say, "I don't have a fertilizer company doing my lawn. I do it myself." Do you really think that the fertilizer you apply yourself, that you bought at the local nursery, is any safer than the fertilizer applied by fertilization ompanies? Of course it's not. Let's be real.
Facts. A study done by the California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) Charitable Trust and Washington’s Safe Food and Fertilizer tested 29 fertilizers from 12 states for 22 toxic metals. Their report "WASTE LANDS: THE THREAT OF TOXIC FERTILIZER" documents the results of these fertilizer samples and demonstrates that the problem of toxic fertilizers is widespread.
Their testing showed that 29 fertilizers tested contained 22 toxic heavy metals, many of which are known carcinogens or are considered possible cancer causing agents. Four of these fertilizers were brand name fertilizers marketed to unknowing consumers who generally apply these product in even greater amounts than recommended by the manufacturer. At least one of the fertilizers tested is a MAJOR brand used by a large percentage of commercial lawncare and landscape companies.
Is this really what we want our children and our pets playing on? Toxic waste that is heavily regulated if a company chooses to try and "dispose" of it, but is virtually unguarded if they give it to chemical fertilizer companies as filler material?
Read the report for yourself at their website: Waste Lands: The Threat Of Toxic Fertilizer
So, Why Are You Still Applying Chemical Fertilizers? - Certainly not because they are safer. So, why? Because they work better? Because they are easier to apply? Because they are cheaper?
Fully formulated, - all natural -, organic fertilizer products will outperform chemical fertilizers every time, especially over long term use (and many times even over the short term). But, many are simply too expensive or too difficult to apply.
AGGRAND is different, and I'll prove it to you. Take control of your family's safety without breaking the bank or your back. Keep reading to find out more ( - and to get the detailed natural lawncare techniques that I promised you earlier - ).
AGRO CHEMICALS! - From the beginning of human history through the 1940's, virtually all of the agriculture on earth was organic and sustainable. That is to say, food was grown without the aid of chemicals
In the late 1940's - chemical agriculture was introduced on a wide scale and we were led to believe that the use of chemicals would result in better crops, increased yield and lower input costs. We were also assured that the chemical fertilizers were safe. Subsequently, we found out that chemical fertilizers were not safe, they upset the natural balance in the soils and destroyed the natural soil microorganisms necessary for healthy plant growth
After using chemical fertilizers for a few seasons, we experienced significant crop destruction from insect invasion. Again chemicals provided the solution in the form of a pesticide called DDT and again we were assured that this chemical was safe
After using DDT for a while we discovered that it was not safe but was in fact a powerful cancer-causing substance. In addition, we discovered that the insects that were not killed by the DDT produced offspring that were immune to it
The simple fact is, many chemicals that are marketed as totally safe for humans are later found to be harmful. For example, EDB (Ethylene dibro-mide) was marketed in the 1950's as an insecticide and a post-harvest fumigant for fruits, vegetables and grains. In 1984, it was banned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) due to its carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity
Pesticides encompass several different chemical categories. They include herbicides (used to kills weeds), insecticides (used to kill insects), fungicides (used to control molds and fungi), and rodenticides (used to kill rodents)
All pesticides have one thing in common in common - they are poisons designed to kill things and they have the potential to be harmful to humans if ingested in sufficient amounts. -
The long-term disbenefits associated with the use of agricultural chemicals, e.g. resource depletion, environmental damage and health consequences, are such that we need to develop and implement ecologically sound strategies designed to establish and maintain productive soils and prevent the development of pests and diseases and control them in the event of outbreaks
The Bottom Line we need to learn from our mistakes and begin practicing sustainable agriculture.
In US farming areas, 22 percent of wells contain nitrate levels that exceed federal safety standards.
Fertilizer Chemical 2025
Company says its fertilizer is not source of forever chemicals on Johnson County farmland Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Impact of chemical fertilizer and composts application on growth and yield of rice in Northeast India
Fertilizer Market Expands at 4.9% CAGR | Trends & Forecast openPR
United States's Nitrogenous Fertilizers Market to See Steady Growth with a CAGR of +0.6% through 2035, Reaching $14.1B IndexBox, Inc.