

Bio Fertilizer in Gardens
Organic Gardening - Gardening is one favorites things people like to do during the favorite free time in the Spring and Summer. You could have a large garden at home that has many beautiful types of flowers
How to start a garden:
Find a good spot for your garden that has good light and good soil.
If the soil is not suitable for gardening, you can improve it by adding materials such as:
sand (to improve drainage)
organic matter:
peat moss (for improving fertility & the soil's pH)
manure (for fertilizing & loosening soil)
Fertilizer (organic or chemical) - Select the plants or seeds that you would like in your garden. Make sure you consider the hardiness of the plant for the climate you live in. Also consider how much light the plants need.
Read instructions on the seeds packets, or consult reference books for proper planting times, spacing, and care.
After planting, mulch your garden to conserve moisture. Water your plants as needed.
Looking for a way to make that garden shine? Try Poop In A Can! This Organic Compost is sure to make your flowers and grass healthier! Each pound will cover a half dozen average size houseplants. Remember, behind every successful garden, there's a successful behind.
Go Organic - You want to go organic with the idea of a chemical-free lawn or garden. Using organic products you can protect your family and pets from harmful chemicals and save you time and money. You can grow the healthiest, most vigorous lawn, landscape and garden on the block.
Fundamentals of Organic Gardening and Farming:
- No pesticides and insecticides - synthetic pesticides pollute the environment, kill beneficial organisms and don't control pests effectively on a long term basis.
- Nutrients recycle - Conserve / recycle - resources by composting vegetable scraps and using animal manure for fertilizer. Increase the organic matter in the soil with compost and 100% organic fertilizers. Let the fertile soil feed the plants.
- Use organic fertilizers - synthetic fertilizers feed the plants in a forced, unbalanced way. Have your soil tested for nutrients and Ph level by a lab that gives organic recommendations, to learn the total and available levels of organic matter and minerals. Use rock powders to increase trace minerals: best materials are from volcanic activity such as granite, lava sand and zeolite. Greensand, colloidal phosphate and glacial rock powder are also effective.
Organic Guidelines: Use 100% organic fertilizer to turf and planting beds in early spring at 20 lbs/1000 sq. ft. Repeat every 60 to 90 days during the growing season if greater response is needed (Three applications per year is normal.) Apply rock powders annually at about 40-80 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. Add fish meal or kelp meal at 10-20 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. to annuals and perennials in the spring and every 60-90 days if needed during the growing season. Add a small handful of soft rock phosphate to each hole when planting bulbs or small transplants.
- Mulch - to conserve moisture and keep down unwanted vegetation. Mulch preserves moisture, eliminates weeds and keeps the soil surface cooler, which benefits earthworms, micro-organisms and plant roots.
Application: Cover bare soil around plants with natural mulch such as shredded tree trimmings, shredded hardwood bark and leaves, pine needles, etc. For shrubs, trees and ground covers, use at least 1 of compost and 3 of shredded native tree trimmings or shredded hardwood bark.
Mulch vegetable gardens with 8 of partially completed compost or alfalfa hay.
Encourage life and biodiversity - with companion planting, re-introduce beneficial insects, and protect benefical insects that exist, such as ladybugs, earthworms, green lacewings, and trichogramma wasps.
Water - in the early morning hours, and adjust schedule seasonally to allow for deep, infrequent waterings in order to maintain an even moisture level and encourage deeper roots.
Guidelines: Monitor using a water gauge and including natural rainfall, about 1 of water per week in the summer is a good starting point. For foliar feeding, use a siphon attachment to apply a light application of seaweed or compost tea when possible.
Weeding - hand-pull large weeds, weekly shallow cultivation of soil to expose sprouting weed roots to the air, mulching of all bare soil, and work on soil health improvement for overall weed control. Apply corn gluten meal in the Spring and Fall to control annual weeds such as grass burrs.
Basis of Ecological Gardening, Farming and Organic Foods -
The New Millenium Ecological Organic Fertilizer
Biological and organic fertilizers doesn't have, for instance: biologic nitrogen fixation, phosphorus decomposition, potassium decomposition, bio-control, biotic activation, and energy transforming.
It can replace other fertilizers. The products are environment friendly ecological fertilizer researched for the sustainable development of 21st century ecological agriculture and is the most ideal fertilizer for producing organic food (green foods).
Most plants with the fertilizer applied don't need any other chemical fertilizer.
Broad spectrum Bio Fertilizer. With many technologies adopted, the product can be applied in different areas, different soils and different crops.
The fertilizer represents the development direction of the transfer from inorganic to organic agriculture, and is the basis of ecological farming and the guarantee of organic foods.
The agricultural project (product) has remarkable economic, ecological and social benefits. All people are the beneficiaries of the product, whether they are investors of producing or the users of applying the fertilizer or the consumers of the foods with the fertilizer applied. First, making the fertilizer consumes a great deal of industrial wastes, turning garbage into fertilizer and bringing investors good returns. Second the fertilizer user can restrain the pollution of chemical fertilizer and pesticides effectively, protect the underground water resource, improve soil and make soil richer, and produce qualified organic foods (green foods) for serving humans directly.
Thanks to powerful modern biotechnology, the product has less nourishment contents but higher fertilizer effects.
Although the fertilizer itself doesn't contain many nourishment elements, but it has many bioactive catalyzing enzyme - which can provide the plants with primary elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, many medium-content and trace elements such as
silicon, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum and boron, as well as many indispensable bioactive substances such as biotin, vitamin, growth hormone, antibiotics and amino acid. It has much more nourishment than common fertilizer has.
Resources for Organically Growing Fruits and Vegetables, and Links to Organic Gardens and Farms
The Best of Organic Gardening 50 Years of Organic Advice
Arizona Biological Control, Inc. - BICONET Biocontrol Network
Allexperts Organic Gardening - Ask the Experts Hawai
Bahama Specialty Foods
Berkeley Indoor Garden
Biointensive Organic Gardening
Bioresource Management and Recycle
Bush's Best Compost
Clupper's Organic Gardens, Inc.
Composting for Home Gardens
Connecticut NOFA
Dirt Cheap Organics
Don't Panic Eat Organic
The New Organic Grower
Ecoland Library
Ecologic Garden and Plant Food
Elizabeth and Crow's Awesome Organic CyberGarden!
Espoma Lawn and Garden News
Garden Guides ... a growing resource for gardeners
Gardening Guru
Genetically Engineered Food
How to Grow More Vegetables
Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
Golden Harvest Organics
Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
Holiday on an Organic Farm-East Penrest
Howard Garrett's basic organic program
David Heaton from Brisbane, Queensland Australia
The Dirt Doctor's Guide to Organic Gardening
Kentucky Thoroughbred Manure Tea
Lady Bugs and Preying Mantis Supplier
Marshall Grain Company
Massachusetts NOFA
Michigan Electronic Science Library
Microfeed Trace Mineral Fertilizer
Organic Gardening Tips
Natural Life Online
New Dawn Organic Gardening
Newsletter of NOFA
Four Season Harvest
Northeast Organic Farmers Association
Organic Gardening forum
Organic Gardening Tips
Organic Growers of Michigan
Organic Gardening
The Organic Flower Farmer
1,001 Old-Time Garden Tips How to Grow Everything Organically
Organic Gardening - IGA members
Organic Gardening Magazine
Organic Gardening - Natural Insecticides
Organic Gardening Q and A
Organic Gardening-- the only way to grow!
Out Behind the Compost Pile
Plant Pro Tec
Complete Vegetable and Herb Gardener
Rocky Mountains - New Development
Rhode Island NOFA
Rohde's Nursery and Nature Store
The Supaks
Vermont NOFA
Welcome to my Garden!
Welcome to the RotWeb!
Composting in your garden
This Organic Life: Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader , Chelsea Green Publishing. ISBN 1931498245. Gussow, Joan Dye (2002).
Nancarrow, Loren; Taylor, Janet Hogan (2000). Dead Daisies Make Me Crazy: Garden Solutions without Chemical Pollution , Ten Speed Press. ISBN 1580081568. -
The Apple Grower: A Guide for the Organic Orchardist , Chelsea Green Publishing. ISBN 1890132047. - Phillips, Michael (1998).
How to Get Your Lawn and Garden Off Drugs: A Basic Guide to Pesticide-Free Gardening in North America , Harbour Publishing Company. ISBN 1550173200. - Rubin, Carole (2003).
Fertilizer Garden 2025
In the Garden: Fertilizing ornamentals KDRV
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