International Organic

International Organic

IFOAM International Organic  - Certification, Farming, Accredited
IFOAM International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. Certification, Farming, Accredited Members. BioFertilizer and natural products.
IFOAM IFOAM International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements

IFOAM Web Site - Organics International - Head Office Address : Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5, 53113 Bonn, Germany - Phone: +49-228-92650-10 - Fax: +49-228-92650-99 - e-mail: headoffice@ Map
Unify about 1000 Affiliates in more than 120 countries.
The member organizations establish alliances based on regional priorities (Regional Bodies) and sector-specific priorities (Sector Platforms).
International certification bodies, including members of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)
An international framework for organic farming is provided by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), the international democratic umbrella organization established in 1972. For IFOAM members, organic agriculture is based upon the Principles of Organic Agriculture and the IFOAM Norms.
The IFOAM Norms consist of the IFOAM Basic Standards and IFOAM Accreditation Criteria. The IFOAM Basic Standards are a set of "standards for standards." They are established through a democratic and international process and reflect the current state of the art for organic production and processing. They are best seen as a work in progress to lead the continued development of organic practices worldwide. They provide a framework for national and regional standard-setting and certification bodies to develop detailed certification standards that are responsive to local conditions.

Legislated standards are established at the national level, and vary from country to country. In recent years, many countries have legislated organic production, including the EU nations (1990s), Japan (2001), and the US (2002). Non-governmental national and international associations also have their own production standards. In countries where production is regulated, these agencies must be accredited by the government.

Organize a General Assembly every 3 years. The members elect the World Board, who works with Affiliates to committees, working groups and task forces to the development of standards for Organic Agriculture in developing countries.
Founded in 1972, is a global international organization for the organic world. Sustainability in agriculture, from the farms and field, to the consumer, products and public. Organic vision with sustainable policy, to build capacity and facilitate the transition of farmers to organic agriculture, and support to the organic movement and leaders.
In 1972, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, widely known as IFOAM, was founded in Versailles, France, and dedicated to the diffusion and exchange of information on the principles and practices of organic agriculture of all schools and across national and linguistic boundaries. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements Certification, Members and References
Organic Farming State - The World of Organic Agriculture: More Than 31 Million Hectares Worldwide - The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), and the Foundation Ecology and Farming (SOEL), Germany, presented the latest global data on organic farming at the BioFach in Nuremberg, the world leading fair for organic food.
More than 31 million hectares of farmland are under organic management worldwide, a gain of around five million hectares in a single year. A major increase of organic land has taken place in China, where nearly three million hectares of pastoral land were recently certified. According with a survey in (2006)
Organic Farming - The World of Organic Agriculture Worldwide
Principles of Organic Agriculture (pdf) at IFOAM (2005).
Offices in Europe, America, America, Africa, Asia
Standards and Certification - Organic Regulations and Policy
Regional Bodies : AgroBio Mediterraneo, EU Group, France, Latin America, North America, Asia, Euro-Asia, Iran, Japan, African Network
Organic Farming Innovation Award- Events - Promotion Opportunities
Food Security - Organic Food System Program
Soils, Biodiversity, Climate Change, NO to GMO
IFOAM Website
Organic Innovation - Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)
Projects - Organic Markets for Development - True Cost Accounting
Training Academy - Organic Leadership Courses OLC, Programs around the world. Foundation Course
Sectors and Platforms
Amenity Agriculture (IAAA)
Animal Husbandry (IAHA)
Farmers (INOFO)
Technology and Innovation (TIPI)
Work With Us
Organic Landmarks
Principles of Organic Agriculture
The Principle of Care
The Principle of Ecology
The Principle of Fairness
The Principle of Health
Definition of Organic Agriculture
IFOAM Family of Standards
Positions & Policy Briefs
Best Practice Guideline
Organic 3.0 Landmark
Newsletters, Videos, Press Releases, Annual Reports
Organic Basics
Donate to Joan S. Davis Memorial Fund
World Board
Affiliates, Individuals, Organizations, Membership, Donations, Payments
Directory with Affiliates (886), Members (650), Associates (115), Supporters (121), Regional Bodies (7), Sector Platforms (7) in june 2018
Library Download PDF Documents with translations available in many languages.
Principles of Organic Agriculture : Health, Ecology, Fairness and Care. Are the roots of the Organic Agriculture to grow and develop the organic movement in the world. Organic Diversity, guides the programs and standards.
Principle of Health : Healthy soil, plants, animals, humans = a healthy planet.
Principle of Ecology : Emulating and sustaining natural systems.
Principle of Fairness : Equity, respect and justice for all living things.
Principle of Care : For the generations to come.
Principles of Organic Agriculture - Explained in Videos
IFOAM Offices and Contacts. Head Office : Address : Bonn, Germany, - Organics International takes care of day-to-day operational actives ranging from membership management and organic program implementation to the organization of leadership courses.
IFOAM Contact Names and Details (2018)
Governance Department : Markus Arbenz, Executive Director - Thomas Cierpka, Deputy Director - Alicja Klaus, Office Coordinator - Norman Oehlandt, Financial Controlling - Omkar Gopalakrishnan, Executive Director - Omkar Gopalakrishnan, ED Assistant - Segolene Arnould, Membership Coordinator - Simon Kufferath, IT Officer - Alessandro Benelli, Intern -
Capacity Development : Barbara Zilly, Head of Capacity Developement - Konrad Hauptfleish, Head of Capacity Developement - Andrea Richert, Specialist Program Development - Patricia Flores, Latin America Coordinator - David Gould, North America Representative and Value Chain Coordinator, Senior Facilitator - Cristina Andrei, Programs Coordinator - Claudia Meinicke, Senior Academy Coordinator - Shakhnoza Kurbanalieva, Senior Program Officer -
Policy and Guarantee Department : Joelle Katto-andrighetto, Head of Policy and Guarantee - Gabor Figeczky, Head of Global Policy - Cristina Grandi, Chief Food Security Campaigner - Diane Bowen, Senior Project Manager and Organic Guarantee Senior Advisor - Federica Varini, Organic Policy and Guarantee Specialist - Cornelia Kirchner, Organic Policy and Guarantee Specialist - Flavia Castro, Organic Policy and Guarantee Specialist
Communications Department : Denise Godinho, Head of Communications - Niamh Holland-Essoh, Senior Communications Coordinator - Jennifer Black, Campaign and Communications Coordinator - Kashif Khan, Digital Marketing Coordinator - Patrick German, Digital Communications Coordinator
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