

News BioFertilizer
Bio Fertilizer : - A BioFertilizer is a natural and organic fertilizer that helps to keep in the soil with all the nutrients and live microorganisms required for the benefits of the plants. The soil is alive and contains a lot of microorganism that produce natural N-K-P and other nutrients required for agricultre and plants. Using chemical products eventually will kill all this micro live and transform productive soils in sand in few years. Bio Fertilizer .Com is one organic center with information about natural products and eco friendly energies. Information Center about how to use Solar, Wind , BioDigestors and other sources of cheap energy for houses and business. Bio Pesticides are natural products that helps in the maintenance of gardens and organic food production. Read the Biology of Microorganisms to learn more about the scientific basis. Introducing the basics of the science of Biology of Microorganisms and its applications, as fertilizers or composting for example.
Enriching the Earth - In Enriching the Earth and the Transformation of World Food Production , discussion the use of nitrogen''s unique status in the biosphere, its role in crop production, and traditional means of supplying the nutrient trought fertilizers. He releases a discovery to scientists had sought for over one hundred years and examines the emergence of the large-scale nitrogen fertilizer industry and analyzes the extent of global dependence on process and its biospheric consequences.
The Haber process is arguably the most significant development of the 20th century, yet it remains virtually unknown to the general public. There are a few chapters on the history and chemistry of this vital process, and they are reasonably well written. The Transformation of World Food Production includes the use of nitrogen''s unique status in the biosphere, its role in crop production, and traditional means of supplying the nutrient trought fertilizers. A discovery to scientists had sought for over one hundred years and examines the emergence of the large-scale nitrogen fertilizer industry and analyzes the extent of global dependence on process and its biospheric consequences.
BioFertilizers are the most advanced bio technology necessary to support developing organic agriculture, sustaintable agriculture, green agriculture and non-pollution agriculture. The Bio-organic Fertilizer can increase the output, improve the quality and it is responsible for agriculture environment. Today, It have been widely used with excelents results in all kinds of plants and several countries. It is well known that the continue use and overuse of petrochemical based fertilizers and toxic pesticides have caused a detrimental effect to our soils, water supplies, foods, animals and even people. The Biological Grower is more sensible with sustainable approach and employs the resources of both science and nature to allow better results in his production. For centuries, peat moss have been recognized soil bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and other bio-organisms to enrich the soil to produce safe, nutritious and abundant crops. an excellent fertilizer sources. We have developed all natural organic fertilizers made with pure peat moss. Biofertilizer Contains a wide range of naturally chelated plant nutrients and trace elements, carbohydrates, amino acids and other growth promoting substances. Kelp acts as a soil conditioner by stimulating microbial activity in the soil which results in improved air-water relationships in soil, improved fertility and makes soil less prone to compaction and erosion. Organic Growers who use kelp in their regular fertility program report increases in yield, quality, shelf-life and resistance to environmental stresses such as drought, extreme heat, early frost, pest and disease problems. That kind of blend makes an excellent foliar fertilizer. Besides being a nutritionally complete fertilizer (containing even calcium), the nutrients are readily absorbed by the leaf. This is because the nitrogen in fish is in the form of amino acids which plants take in and use directly– unlike inorganic fertilizers in which the nitrogen needs to be converted into a usable form first. Additionally, because the micro-nutrients in the fish and in the kelp are in a naturally chelated form they are quickly and readily absorbed into the leaf surface. Foliar applications on a regular basis can increase the health, vigor and yield of plants due to this easily absorbed additional nutrition.
BioFertilizer -
Azotobacter and Bio Fertilizer .Com - Organic Products - Guide to BioFertilizer, EcoFertilizer and BioPesticide - Garden Compost - Peat Moss International Prices. Spagnum Moss
Bio Fertilizante - Productos Organicos y Naturales - Informacion gratis sobre Eco Fertilizantes y Pesticidas ecologicos. Compre a precios internacionales. Turba Pura de Costa Rica - Envio a nivel mundial
Benefits -
Organic Farming - Bio Fertilizers are The Best Economic Value: - Proven, top-quality product over the years. - Stick with biofertilizer the one that always has and always will give you top quality and the best value immediatly for your investment and much more profits at long term. Research winner. - Growing trials conducted by an independent research center at a professional greenhouse compared various soils amended with peat, coir, compost and blends.
New technique in Biofertilizer - Generally biofertilizers are carrier based and always in powder form. The carrier is mostly lignite, which has high organic matter content, and it holds more than 200% water, which enhances the growth of the micro-organisms. Before use slurry is made which is applied to seed. This method is universal unless it has some difficulty in application to seed no other method is used. Recently university of agricultural sciences, Bangalore has developed a method- dry complex fertilizer for direct soil application. This method consists of granules (1-2 mm) made from tank bed clay (TBC). These granules are baked at 2000C in a muffle furnace, which helps to sterilize the material and gives porosity to granules. The baked granules are soaked in a suspension of nitrogen fixing bacteria grown in a suitable medium overnight. The clay granules are air dried at room temperature under aseptic conditions. The granules contain more than a billion of bacteria per gram of granules. These granules are suitable for field application along with seeds and fertilizers in furrows. However, quantity of biofertilizer to be applied will be slightly higher than seed application.
Use of Organic and Natural Products in Gardens and Agriculture
BioFertilizer .Com - Bio Fertilizer, Organic BioFertilizer in Gardens and Agriculture. Eco Directory with BioFertilizers, Organic Products and a Free Guide to Natural BioPesticides - How to produce Compost, Bio Gas and biodigestors for homes or business - Buy or Sell Eco Fertilizers and Natural Pesticides at International Prices.
Bio Fertilizer and Eco Farming Directory - Organic Home Garden
Bio Fertilizer 2025
Nitricity raises $10m for organic fertilizer plant in California, pivots to new tech AgFunderNews
Bio-Organic Fertilizer Market Outlook 2025-2030, with GlobeNewswire
Global Organic Fertilizer Market to Reach US$ 13.8 Billion openPR
Malawi Set for Affordable Fertilizer Breakthrough as PressCane Launches Production in Chikwawa Nyasa Times