

Products - Bio Fertilizer - Bio Directory of Organic and Natural Products
Biofertilizer is an Organic Fertilizer - High volume sales, distribuitors and resellers.
Information and Contacts. Prices or Orders - Organic and Natural Products
Bio Fertilizer Advantages
Bio Fertilizer Products - Biofertilizers - 1 KG bag.- 2 KG bag.- 25 Kg bag.- 20 Foot CONTAINER of 48 x 25 Kg bags- 40 Foot CONTAINER of 96 x 25 Kg bags
All Prices are FOB Plant . Customer must pay for the shipping. Discounts for high volume sales, distribuitors and resellers.
American Kelp Corporation - Manufacturers and distributors of professional organic gardening products made with ocean kelp, saponin and other earth friendly materials. Products are now available on-line.
American Natural Products Co. - Offering all-natural products for lawn and garden care.
Triad Inc, Organics - Products and services for your organic fertilizing needs.
BioFlora - All-natural plant supplement for every plant growth and maintenance.
Harmony Products - Manufactures organic and organic-based fertilizer for vegetable and flower gardens, house plants, landscaping, and lawns.
Baicor - Micronutrients readily available for up take by plants.
MicroMagic - Natural, non-toxic, environmentally safe compound for healthier, stronger, more abundant plants and lawns.
Lindsey Compost - All natural organic fertilizer
Sea Spray - Liquid concentrate is all organic.
Biofertilizer - Organic fertilizer
Seaweed Extract Fertilizer - Captain Bill's deep green foliage seaweed extract fertilizer.
Dino Soil - A all-natural, organic fertilizer from humates.
Texas Ladies Compost, Organics, and Gifts - Compost, potting soil, compost tea and watering crystals.
PermaTill - Soil conditioner loosens clay and compacted soils improving soil structure and drainage
Garden Ville - Home and farm organic gardening, fertilizer and compost, natural pest control.
Dirt Works - A place to find organic fertilizers, cover crops, lawn and forage seeds.
Grow Stuff Plus - Fertilizer and soil products.
World Wide Products, Inc. - Distributor of TerraCottem, a specialty fertilizer with water storage capabilities for drought resistant landscaping and gardening.
Supergreen Turf Company - Providing organic natural base liquid fertilizers to home owners, back yard gardeners, farmers & growers world wide.
Golden Harvest Organics - Natural fertilizer which is a completely natural product that contains no inert ingredients and is eco friendly. Site also includes organic gardening tips, natural pest control and companion planting information.
U-Mate International, Inc. - Supplier of humates for better plant growth and soil development.
Bio-Organics Supply Center - Specializing in locating and producing high-performance organic growing products such as mycorrhizal inoculant, for the home gardener market as well as for commercial growers.
Yokozuna Technologies - Offering organic fertilizers and other natural products.
Colorado Compost - An organic compost manure fertilizer.
Earth Food Associates - Offering books and supplies related to systems for organic horticulture and environment-friendly products.
Green River Technologies - Supplying a broad range of organic products including fertilizers, soil amendments, insect controls, and beneficial insects.
Planet Green Inc. - Manufacturers of concentrated pelletized compost and all natural fertilizer.
Ancient Earth - An organic, solid granular gardening material produced from plant and animal residues from prehistoric time.
Pecos Agricultural, Corp. - Organic fertilizers consist of pure feedlot manures from castle (and sheep) being fed high protein/high energy rations comprised of natural grains and roughages.
Organic Rabbit Fertilizer - Offers organic plant and garden fertilizer made from rabbit droppings.
Irish Green Gardens - Irish peat sales to home gardeners
Maestro-Gro Organic Plant Foods and Supplies - Organic plant food and fertilizer manufacturer and distributor.
Poulenger USA, Inc. - Rutopia+M is a biostimulant and root inhancer with mycorrhizae. Used as a turf and root inoculant.
Soil Soup - Compost Tea for organic gardening and farming
Orgro-Volcanic Micro Nutrients - Volcanic, mineral clay, containing a variety of trace elements
Shur Gro - Organic Fertilizer and Remineralizer
Midnight Sun Plant Food Inc. - An all natural plantfood developed in Canada.
Bio Systems Plus - Distributors of Blue Green Algae. An online store offering Blue Green Algae for all your organic gardening needs.
EcoChem Organics - Organic fertilizers and soil conditioners. Help put back the natural nutrients in the soil.
Fenic CO, Inc. - Manufacturer of F-68 PLUS soil conditioner and innoculant which helps home gardeners achieve a healthy soil for growing vegetables, flowers, lawns, trees and shrubs.
Golden Herb: Earth Friendly Gardening Supplies - Organic and earth friendly fertilizers, soil additives, and insecticides, including bat guano, BT & hard to find products.
Mother Earth Organics - Offering all natural organic products for optimal plant and soil health. Products include fertilizers, soil conditioners, natural soil enzymes, and liquid compost.
Natural Science - Natural organic fertilizer. The high-nitrogen organic fertilizer for your lawn and garden, trees, shrubs, and flowers.
New Dawn Gardening - Specializing in mycchorizal fungal soil additives.
Plant Homeopathy - Natural growth stimulant and medicine for house, garden and agricultural plants.
Seagro - Marine compost mix and Premium potting mix. Made from Canadian sphagnum peat moss, composted ocean fish and composted cattle manure.
Yum Yum Mix Earth Food - Vegetarian, all purpose fertilizer and soil conditioner.
ZooDoo Organic Fertilizer - Zoo animal waste recycled into gifts that gardeners love. Pachyderm poop, rhinoceros flop.
Unified Systems - Offering Live Earth brand fertilizers.
Metanaturals Organic Products - Organic fertilizer nutrients for hydroponic or soil gardening.
AllGro Bulk Compost - High quality biosolid compost utilized as a soil amendment by turfgrass and horticultural professionals.
Dark Green - Do it yourself organic lawncare and gardening news.
Gardens Alive! - Online catalog of environmentally friendly fertilizers and pest control products, many of which are completely organic.
About Organic Gardening - Safe, granulated, organic trace mineral fertilizer for organic vegetables and vibrant flowers.
Nitron Industries - A source for organic fertilizers, soil amendments.
Planet Natural Catalog - An online catalog featuring such organic gardening supplies as fertilizers, natural pest controls, lady bugs, composters, composting equipment, soil amendments.
Bradfield Natural Fertilizers - Natural fertilizers for lawns, vegetable, herb, and flower gardens
Aggrand Natural Fertilizers - Independent dealer of Aggrand natural organic liquid fertilizer, liquid bone meal, and other natural lawn, garden and agricultural products.
AG/Response Inc. - Distributors of organic fertilizers for roses and flower gardens.
Home Harvest - Organic fertilizer dry blends.
Bio Fertilizer , Organic Sites and Links
Go Organic
The Fertilizer Zone
Organic Growers Directory
The Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual
Fertilizer Use And Price Statistics
Organic Gardening Magazine
GardenWeb.Com turba espanola - moss
Gardening information
Index of mosses mobot
Dry Mosses
The bryophytes (Mosses,)
Mosses Galore
Turba blanca del Báltico
Soils and Fertilizers
Midwest Organic Alliance
Organic Search
Organic Consumers Association
Organic Networks
Organic Trate Association
Canadian Organic Growers
Diamond Organics
Organic Food
Premier Horticulture
Morton Products
Peat moss berger
acadian peat
Peat moss
Roots - Compuestos Organicos
Organic Guru
Organic Growers of Michigan OGM
Organic Valley
Genesee Valley Organic Community Supported Agriculture
Seeds of Change
Wild Oats Natural Markets
Whole Foods Market
Earth Beast Baby Food
Sno Pac - Organic and Processed Vegetables
OFMA Organic Farmers Marketing Association
Grocery Cooperative Organic Cooperatives
Outpost Natural Foods
North Farm Cooperative
Frontier Herb
Glossary of Horticulture terms
Planet Natural
India Agriculture Resource Center
Organic Agriculture
Friends of the Earth Solutions to environmental problems which make life better for people.
Organic Europe The European project ORGAP has now made a list of European action plans available at its homepage including links to the full documents.
Organic Market Info information for organic retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers as well as for newcomers, journalists and organisations.
Ekoland Biggest Agricultural Association in Poland
AGRO BIO TEST is the first Polish certification body, conducting an independent inspection program in organic agriculture since 1997.
Organic Agriculture Center of Canada site dedicated to enhancing the environmental and social integrity of agriculture.
Forschungsinstitut fülogischen Landbau
International Society for Horticultural Science Commission Sustainability through Integrated and Organic Horticulture
Organic Ag Info Information on production, economic data, research results, farmer anecdotes, certification information, transition strategies, as well as many other subjects related to organic agriculture.
Moutere - Sustainable management practices - Sphagnum Moss - Pine Bark - Zeolite - Peat Moss - Pumice - Bagasse
Fertilizer Product 2025
Types of Fertilizer For Your Lawn and Garden Yahoo Life
Biofertilizer company sees opportunity to sell product across Southeast Asia BusinessWorld Online
US, Canadian farmers face soaring fertilizer prices amid Trump trade war Reuters
Nitricity raises $10m for organic fertilizer plant in California, pivots to new tech AgFunderNews