

Seeds Bio Fertilizer, Organic and Natural Products
Seeds BioFertilizer, Organic and natural products and fertilizers
Organic Seeds Tips
Plant varieties of shrubs and plants that produce seeds, berries, nuts or other food to keep birds in your garden year-round.
After starting tender seedlings such as tomatoes and peppers indoors, gradually harden them to the outdoors before setting them out full-time. Start with a few hours outdoors each day during the warmest part of the day and gradually add hours until they are hardened enough to stay out all night.
Use a fan to blow a gentle breeze over seedlings indoors. The breeze increases air circulation, which decreases disease problems and helps build stronger stems.
Start tomato seeds indoors and plant the seedlings outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. Plant them in rich soil with a trellis or stake to climb. They also like full sun.
Check the labels on seed packets and new plants - “sun” means direct sunlight at least 8 hours a day. “Shade” means less than 4 hours of sunlight, and “partial sun” means between 4 and 6 hours of sunlight a day.
The top of the fridge is a great place to set trays of started seeds; the seeds love the heat.
Feed your indoor seedlings with dilute fish fertilizer, unless the odor is a problem. If so, worm tea works well; it is gentle and won’t burn tender seedlings.
Keep the soil in seed flats evenly moist, not too wet, not too dry. Too much moisture will rot the seeds, while seeds that have started to sprout and then dry out will die and can’t be revived. Setting the tray on a water-filled bed of pebbles or gravel also works.
Try pumpkin seeds as mouse bait in mouse traps; mice love them!
Transplant seedlings to larger containers after they have grown 2 pairs of leaves.
When planting in clay soil, cover seeds with vermiculite instead of clay. Clay absorbs heat and may bake the seeds and stop germination. Clay also forms a top crust, forming a barrier for the young seedlings.
Once a seed sprouts it must be kept watered. If it dries out, it dies. If seeds are lightly covered with soil, they may need to be gently sprinkled with water once or twice a day to keep them moist.
Egg cartons make excellent seed starters. Punch a hole in the bottom for drainage, fill with potting soil, plant your seeds and watch them flourish!
For a great crop of peas, start them indoors. The germination rate is far better, and the seedlings will be healthier and better able to fight off pests and disease.
Cinnamon makes an excellent natural fungicide. Mix in your potting soil when planting seeds to prevent damping off of the seedlings.
Test any old seed you have stored by germinating it between moist paper towels. This saves precious time and effort.
Make compost tea by mixing equal parts compost and water and let it sit. Pour this liquid directly onto the soil around healthy, growing plants. Dilute this to 4 parts water to 1 part compost for use on smaller seedlings. Any compost that hasn’t gone into solution - make more tea or used in your garden.
Compost animal manure thoroughly before adding to your garden. This avoids odors, burning plants, and kills weed seeds contained in the manure.
Cleanliness is absolutely necessary in gardens and greenhouses, especially when starting seeds. Clean your flats or pots with warm soapy water and sterilize before reusing.
Mark plants you want to save seed from by tying a piece of ribbon or stretch plastic loosely around the stem, taking care not to injure or constrict it.
Keep any leftover seeds at the end of the season; most seeds will last 3 - 4 years when stored in a cool dry place.
Mix small seeds you are going to broadcast seed with sand before spreading. This makes for more even seeding. After sowing, spread with a light cover of mulch or soil.
Zinnia seeds are among the easiest to save - just allow the blossoms to dry on the plant, cut them off, and store over the winter. The next spring, pull the blossom apart and sow the seeds. Zinnias do much better sown directly in the garden than by transplanting.
Gently brush your hands across your tiny seedlings several times a day. This stimulates them to grow slightly slower, resulting in stronger, sturdier stems.
Use Spagnum Moss in your seeding mix to help prevent damping off.
Any dried seeds you have collected from your garden can either be planted immediately or stored in airtight containers in a cool, dry place to wait for the next season.
Place bird feeders where the mess underneath won’t be a problem, especially if the seeds start to sprout.
Seeds need darkness, heat and water to germinate. Seeds contain the nutrients they need to get started, they just need water to get the process started and continue. Seeds typically germinate best between 60 F and 75 F.
Seed Companies in India
A.G.Sunseeds (I) Pvt.Ltd. - C/o P.M.Parikh Bungalow - Opp.Motilal Mangal Karyalaya, - Motinagar, - Latur- 4132512
Advanta India Limited - (formerly ITC zeneca Ltd) - 309 3rd Floor, - Raheja Chambers, - Mauseum Road, - Bangalore 560 001 - Tel: (080) 5594524 - Fax: 5594525
Agri Genetic Research - Organisation Pvt.Ltd - Soman Commercial Complex, - Datta Chowk, Yawatmal-445 001 - Tel: (07232) 44144,44611,44201
Agro Biotech - 216, Oppanakara Street, - Coimbatore-641 001
Ajeet Seed Pvt.Ltd - Tapadiya Terraces, - IInd Floor, Adalat Road, - Aurangabad-431 001 - Tel: (0240) 332572,320010 - Fax 333335
Ajinkya Seeds - Survey No.14,Wadgaon (Bk), - Anandnagar, - Pune: 411 051 - Tel: (020) 433 4052
Amereswara Agri Tech Pvt. Ltd. - 301,Durga Apartment, - Solnaji Guda, - Hyderabad:500 082 - Tel: 310858/4987 Fax: 310858
Andhra Pradesh State Seeds Development Corpn. Ltd. - 5-10-193,2nd Floor, - Haca Bhavan, - Hyderabad: 500 004 - Tel: (0842) 236088,234295 - Fax : 240099
Ankur Hybrid Seed Corporation - Mirzapur Char Rasta, - Bakar Ali’s - Wadi, Near Layland Company, - Ahmedabad: 380 001 - Tel: (079) 5503 128/159 Fax:723455
Ankur Seeds Pvt.Ltd - 27, New Cotton Market Layout, - Opp. Bus Station, - Nagpur: 440 018 - Tel: (0712) 725117, 726148 - Fax: 723455
Annapurna Seeds - Suit No.15, (2nd Floor) 2 N C Datta Sarani, - Calcutta- 70000 - Tel: 2200754 - Fax 220 8950/6268
Artech Agro Marketing - 25, Moonlight, Sir M.V.Road, - Andheri (East), - Mumbai: 400 069
Arun Hybrid Seeds Private Ltd - 187, Samarthwadi, - Near Sai Mandir, - Wardha,-442001 - Tel: 43272 - Fax: 40097
Asian Agri Genetic Pvt.Ltd - 38, Warehome Road, - Goyal Market, 2nd Floor, - Indore: 452 007
Associate Seeds Processing Unit - At PO Dunguripali, - Dist: Sonepur - (Orissa) –764023
Avani Seeds Ltd. - Ashoka Chambers, - 2nd Floor, Near Lions Hall, - Mithakhli Six road, Ellisbridge. - Ahmedabad: 380006 - Tel: 6564969/70 - Fax: 402990
Balaji Hybrid Seeds Corpn. - Mr. K.B.Malpani, Partner - 95-95/C, Indl.Estate, - Shivaji Nagar, - Nanded:431 602 - Tel: (02462) 35692 - Fax: 32417
Balaji Seed - New Mondha, Shop No.39, - Parbhani
Bankim Prasad Ghosh and Co. - Belur Station Road, - Bally: 711 201. Dst: Howrah - Tel: 6542 095/445 - Fax: 6541440
Basant Agro Tech (I) Ltd. - Bhartia Bhavan, - Opp. Municipal Council - Tajnapeth, Akola: 444 001 - Tel: (0724)432513,435382, - Fax: 438053
Bejo Sheetal Seed Pvt. Ltd - A-3, Old M.I.D.C. - Jalna: 431203 - Tel: (02482) 32588, 36588, Fax: 30398 - E-maiL: -
Bhadra Hybrid Seeds Co. - 7/174, PB Road,Opp. DCM Show Roo, - Davanger-577002 - Tel: 25158,29041
Bhagyashi Agro Inputs and Systems - D-11, Chandrakamal Apartment, - 22/120 Modern Colony, - Paud Road, Pune: 411 038
Bhakti Biotech Pvt.Ltd. - 4,Raisoni Chambers, - Chitra Chowk, 1, Navi Peth, - Jalgaon: 425 001 - Tel: 225992 - Fax 227428
Bhavani Seeds and Agro Products Ltd. - Dr. S.Krishnaswamy, CEO - 135 A, 1st Floor, 9th Main, RMV Extension, - Sadashivnagar, - Bangalore: 560 080 - Tel: (080) 3395953
Bihani Seeds - 2, Old Grain Market, - Shriganganagar-335001 - Tel: (0154) 22523, 20686
Burdwan Seed Production Co-op.Society Ltd. - Secretary, - 440, G.T.Road, Burdwan(WB) - Tel: 3557
Camson Agritech Ltd. - 223, 1st Main, - Domalur 2nd Stage, PO Box 7130, - Bangalore: 560 071 - Tel: (080) 5265138 - Fax: 5260232
Canaan Agrotech - 43, 3rd Floor, - Abids Shopping Centre, - Chiragali Lane, Abids, - Hyderabad: 500 001 - Tel: (040) 3202414
Ceekay Associates - 12 Km, Bellary Road, - Opp. Jakkar - Aerodrome Bangalore: 56 0064
Century Seeds Pvt.Ltd - BA 22-24 Phase II, Mangolpuri Indl.Area, - Delhi: 110 034 - Tel: (011) 7019890, 7017061 - Fax: 7017568. - E-mail: hybrids - @del -
Continental Seed and Chemicals Ltd. - A-10,Green Park, - New Delhi: 110 016
Cosmo Plantgene Ltd - 6, First Floor, Jyotimay - Complex, Jalna Road, - CIDCO, Aurangabad 431 003 - Tel: (06186)
D.J.Damani and Sons. - P.B.No. 954, Shivajinagar, - Opp Bus stand, Pune:411 005 - Tel: 5536071/6373 - Fax: 360364 - Email:
Daftari Agro Private Limited - Seeloo Post, Wardha 442104 - Tel: (07152) 41043
Deepak Agro Industries - Mama Chowk, Bus stand Rd, - Jalna: 431 203 - Tel: (02482) 35822
Deepa Seeds - Hirakhan Complex, 1st Floor, - Mahavir Chowk, M.G.Road, Jalna-431 203 - Tel: (02482) 33319
Dhanya Shakti Seeds and Farms Ltd - 21,Keerthi Complex, - Mission Road, - Bangalore: 560 027
Durgeshwari Seeds Pvt.Ltd - N.Laxmibai Road, - Parbhani-431 401 - Tel: 24702/701
E I D Parry (India)Ltd (Seeds Division) - DARE House, - Post Box no. 12, 234, N S C Bose Road, - Chennai: 600 001 - Tel: (044) 5340251 - Fax:5340858, 5342004
ECL Agrotech Ltd. - 3rd Floor, Kalpak Arcade, - 19, Church Street, - Bangalore: 560 001
Essar Seeds - 188/D-1, Kamarajana Road, - Attur Dist: Salem-636102
Excel Industries Ltd (Biotech Division) - 184-87, Swami Vivekanand Road, - Jogeshwari (west) Mumbai - Tel: (022) 6288258 - Fax: 6203657 - Email-
Famous Seeds Company - 3-6-345/A, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500 029 - Tel: (040)597239,237025
Galande Seeds and Services - Yelamb, Tal-Barsi, Dist: Solapur-413404 - Tel: (02184) 42575
Ganesh Seeds Co. - New Mondha, Nanded-431 602 - Tel: (02462)38672,24355,23287
Ganga Kaveri Seeds Pvt.Ltd - Suit 1406-1407, - Babu Khan Estate, - Bashir Bagh, Hyderabad- 500 001 - Tel: (040) 242450, 242451 - Fax: 233418
Gaurav Hybrid Seeds Company - 38, Ware House Rd, - Goyal Market, 1st Flr, - Indore- 452 007, - Tel: (0731)64581/480397
Gondaliya Seed Farm - C/o.Kheti Vikas Kendra, - Opp.Muncipal Garden, - Jetpur-360370 - Tel (02823)24628 - Fax: 22441
Green Field Marketing - 3, Paras Agro Complex, - Nr .Santoshi Mata Mandir, - Damle Chowk, Akola: 444 001 - Tel: 439917 - Fax:431139
Green Seeds - 90,Indra Market, - Old Sabzi Mandi,Delhi-7 - Tel: (011)2520773,7250025, - Fax: 2924636
Gujarat Agri-Genetic Ltd - Relief Palika, Salapose Road, - Ahmedabad-380 001, - Tel: (079)5507288 - Fax:465153
Gujarat State Fertilisers - and Chemicals Ltd. - Post: Fertilizer Nagar,Dist; - Vadodara:391750 - Tel:(0265)72451,72641, - Fax:72966
Gujarat State Seeds Corpn.Ltd. - Beej Bhavan, - Sector No.10A,Gandhi Nagar-382043 - Tel (02712) 209 25/27 - Fax:20475
Harinath Seeds - 385-A/25,Shrinivas Nagar, - Nandyal-518501
Harit Kranti Seed Co. - Bus stand Rd, Shop No.19, - Deulgaon Raja, Buldhana:Dist:443204 - Tel (07261)32224,32124,32274
Haryana Seeds Development - Bay:3-6,Sector 2, Panchkula-134 109 - Tel:577582 - Fax:577583,
Heritage Seeds Pvt. Ltd. - 201,Lusa Tower,Azadpura,Delhi:110 033 - Tel: (011)7433355,7228935
Hindustan Agri-Genetics Ltd. - 3-6-504/A/1 "Harilaxmi Nawas" - Himayat Nagar,Hyderabad:500 029 - Tel: (040) 7607661 - Fax:7635576
Hindustan Lever Ltd. - Hindustan Liver House, - 165/66 Backbay Reclamation, - Mumbai: 400 020 - Tel: (022) 2870622 - Fax: 2873010
Hindustan Seed Co. - 693, Ayodhaya Apartment, - Gultekdi, Marketyard Road, - Pune: 411 037
Hyco Seed Co. - Plot no. 14,Siddarth Nagar, - Hyderabad-83
I M L Seeds Pvt.Ltd. - 3-6-290/19, 2nd Floor, - Sadhana Building, Hyderguda, - Hyderabad: 500 029 - Tel: (040)231309,241310 - Fax:241335
Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt.Ltd. - P O Box No. 7099, - 17th Cross, 2nd `A’ Main, - K.R..Rd, BSK 2nd Stage, - Bangalore-560 070 - Tel: (080)6650111 - Fax: 6650479 - Email: - kush@IAHS.SPRINTSMX.EMS.VSNL.NET.IN
Indo Agri Genetics - 3/36,Ellora comm.centre, Salapose Road, - Nr.GPO, Ahmedabad-380001 - Tel: 5507505
ITC Ltd - 6,Om Bhairavnath Society, - Sector 10, Vashi - New Mumbai: 400 705 - Tel: (022) 7654907/7654081 - Fax: 7654084
J K Agri- Genetics - (A division of J.K.Industries Ltd) - 20, Paigah Colony, Behind Anand theatre, - S.P.Road, - Sr.V.P.( HS) Secundrabad-3 - Tel: (040)843329,840995 - Fax: 8409995
Jaikisan Farming Enterprises - Raybabu Street, - Jaypore Dist; Korapur( Orissa)-764001
Janata Agri Seeds Co.Pvt.Ltd - Managing Director - 69-B Block, - Shriranganagar-335001 - Tel: 21010
Jindal Seeds Co.Pvt.Ltd - Banarsidas Jindal, Director - Jindal House –29, New Mondha, Post Box no.10, - Jalna 431203 - Tel: 30488/488 - Fax: 32488
Jindal Traders (Seeds Divn) - Jindal House, Mama Chowk, Jalna - Tel: (02482)30287,32488,32787
Kanchan Ganga Seeds Co.Pvt Ltd - 6-3-1089/G/15, 3rd Floor, - Raj Bhavan Road, - Somaji Road, Hyderabad-500482 - Tel: (040)3311915/3396916 - Fax: 3396917
Karnataka Agro Chemicals - 180, 1st Main, Mahalaxmipuram, - Bangalore: 86 - Tel: (080)3497360 - Fax: 3490647 -
Kaveri Seeds Co - 206/6, Dr. Nagamagowda Bldg, - Old Hospital Road, Davangere
Karve and Associates - 5B, Sankalp Appt.1139, Khan Bhag, Kanse Galli, - Near Khan Bhag Police Station, Sangli-416 416 - Tel: (0231) 326537, 626473, - Fax: 326473
Kaveri Seed Company Pvt.Ltd - 513 B, 5th Floor, Minerva Complex,S.D.Road, - Secunderabad-500 003 - Tel: 811 237
Khatav Agroteak Ltd. - Khatav House, Mogal Lane, - Mahim, Mumbai
Khatav Junkar Ltd - Shri Marketing, 67-B, - Wholesale Cloth, Gandhi Baug, - Nagpur
Kisan Hybrid Seeds - 10-1-18/1, Masab Tank, - Opp. Govt. Polytechnic, - Hyderabad: 500 028
Krans Biotech Ltd - Mr. G.K.Rao - 703, Shri Krishnadevaray Nagar, - Yellareddyguda, - Hyderabad-500 073
Krishna Bharati Co-op. Ltd. - 152, Maker Chamber III,223, - Nariman Point, - Mumbai: 400 021 - Tel: (022) 2875362
Krishi Kalyan Seeds Corporation - 74, India Market, Old Subzi Mandi, Delhi - Tel: (011) 2941055,2926028
Krishi Kranti Kendra - Dhanwale Ashram, - Shani Mandir Rd, Nagpur:440 012, - Tel: 534140, Fax: 525655
Krishi Vidnyan and Gramin Vikas Sansthan - Umberkhed, Tal:-Chalisgaon, Dist: Jalgaon
Krishidhan Seeds Ltd - 34-C, New Mondha, 1st Floor, - Bus Stand Road,, Jalna-431203 - Tel: 30521/809 - Fax: 32328
Krishna Seeds (P) Ltd - 8/15511, Jeoni Mandi, - Agra-282004 - Tel (0562) 369974 - Fax: 262254
Lalitkumar and co. - 22/24, Ganeshwadi, - Mumbai: 400402
Laxmi Farm Seeds - IPS 231, Railway Feeder Road, - Suttur-626203, Kamaraja-Dist.
Leadbeter Seeds Pvt.Ltd - Jagdish Market Complex, - Abid Road, Hyderabad-500 001 - Tel: 3201835,3204302
Liberty Seeds Co. - Soman Market, - Dutta Chowk,Yavatmal-1 - Tel: (07232) 42911
M.M.Trading co. - 23,Shanti Sadan Estate, - Opp.Dinbai Tower, - Mirzapur Road, - Ahmedabad-380001
Mahadhan Seeds Pvt.Ltd. - 206-207 Ashram Complex, - Behind 56 Shops, - New Palasia, Indore-1 (MP) - Tel: (0731)538994/6 - Fax: 433156
Mahesh Hybrid Seeds Co. - Akot Stand, Akola-444 001 - Tel: (0724) 434206 - Factory: MIDC, Phase III, - Akola-58284,58384
Madav Seeds Pvt.Ltd - 5-Sahu Bavdi, Manek Chowk, - Ratlam-457001, Madhya Pradesh - Tel: (07412) 31215,38592 - Fax: 32592
Manjushree Plantation Ltd - 14th Floor, A Wing, Mittal Tower, - M.G.Road, Bangalore-560 001
Markfield Hybrid Seeds Pvt.Ltd - 6, Pawar Chembers, - New Mondha, Jalna-431 203 - Tel: 31348,36668, 32668
Masco - Maharashtra Agro Seeds Corpn., - Shetkari Bhawan, - S.T.Stand, Nagpur - Tel: (0712) 727622
Maya Hybrid Seeds Co.Pvt.Ltd - Shri Valbh Complex, - Near Mangaldas Market, - Tilak Road, Akola-444 001 - Tel: (0724) 434206, 439697, 443725
Megh Seeds (P)Ltd - 101-102, Apna Bazar, Near S.F.S.School, - Jalna Road, Aurangabad- 431 005 - Tel: (0240)322072 - Fax:355141
Mehul Seeds Corporation - Near S.T.Bus Stand, Delol, - tlk Kalol, Dist: - Panchamals-389310 - Tel: (02676) 35508
Messina Beej Pvt.Ltd - Tajpur Road, Samastipur - Tel: (06274)22418
Metochem Exports Pvt.Ltd - 502, Shrikant Chambers, - Sion-Trombay road, - Next to R.K.Studio, Chembur, Mumbai-71
Moti Seed Company - At Post: Himmatnagar - Highway Road, - Tal: Vijapur Dist: - Mehesana-382870
MRC Seeds - Opposite Palika Market, - P. O. Wani-445 304 - Dist. Yavatmal (M.S.) India - Fax: +91-7239-225589 or USA +1-435-518-1791 - Website : Email:
Multiplex Agricare Pvt.Ltd - 180, 1st Main Road, - Mahalakshmi Layout Extension, - Bangalore: 560 086 - Tel: (080) 3497464, 3494406, Fax: 3490647
Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. - Nagarjuna Hills, - Hyderabad 500082. - Tel: (040) 3357200/204 - Fax: 3354788
Namdhari Seeds (P) Ltd - 119, Arasappa Complex, - 9th Main Rd.,Ideal House, - Raj Rajeshwari Nagar, - Bangalore-39 - Tel: (080) 2210987 - Fax: 8602168
Nandi Seeds - 1-7-44/A/1, Market Road, - Mahabubnagar (AP)-508001
Nandini Hybrid Seeds - 35, Bhagyanagar Apartment, - RTC X Road, Hyderabad –20
Narmada Sagar Agri Seed P Ltd - 7, Sumeru Shopping Centre, - Civil Three Way, Highway Estate. - Himayatnagar (Guj)-383001
Narmada Seed Agency - Patel 7, Sumeru Shopping Centre, - Civil Three Ways State Highway, - Himmatnagar-383001
Nath Seeds Ltd. - (Technical) Nath House, - Nath Road, P.B. No. 318, - Aurangabad-431005. - Tel: (0240) 333313/14/15/16/17 - Fax: 33118 - E mail:
National Seeds Corporation Ltd. - Beej Dhavan, Pusa - New Delhi-110012 - Tel: (011) 5712292/95 - Fax: 5766462
Nav Maharashtra Chakan - Oil Mils Ltd - Nav Maharashtra House, - Opp Shaniwarwada, P B Mo 571, - 43, Shaniwar Peth, Pune-411 030 - Tel: (020) 4454450/51/52 - Fax: 4450187
Navalakha Seed P Ltd. - 1379, Bhavani Peth, Pune –42 - Tel: (020) 655823,644820 - Fax: 654883
Navbharat Seeds P Ltd - Vasu Kanan Nr. Lotus Flats, - opp Gujarat Vidyapith, - Ashram Rd, 4, Sarvodaya Rd, - P B No 13, Ahmedbad-380014 - Tel: 7541303/4 - Fax: 7541305 - E mail:
Navjeevan Hybrid Seeds Corporation - New Mondha, Bus Stand Rd, - Jalna-431203 - Tel: (02482) 32132
Navkar Hybrid Seed Corporation - Baker Alis Wadi, Near Leyland Company, - Mirzapur Char Rasta, - Ahmedabad-380001
New Nandi Seeds Corporation - Opp Bijilighar, Relief Rd, Ahmadabad-1 - Tel: (079) 5506801/2/3 - Fax: 5506804
Nimbkar Seeds P Ltd - Near Jinit Bridge, Lonand Rd. - Phaltan, Dist: Satara-415523 - Tel: (02166) 22297 - Fax: 21282 - E mail: -
Nirankai Seeds Co - G T Rd, Chouhan Nagar, Mandi Dabwali-125104 - Dist: Sirsa (Haryana) - Tel: 22260,32045
Nirmal Seeds P Ltd. - Bhadgaon Rd. P.O. Box 63, Pachora, - Distt:Jalgaon-424201 - Tel: (02596) 41366/96 - Fax:41045
Northern Seeds - Industrial Area, Pilibangan, - Dist: Hanumangarh (Raj)–335803 - Tel: 33343
Novartis India-Seeds Division - Seeds Div. Seeds House, - 1170/27 Revenue Colony, - Shivaji Nagar pune-411005 - Tel: (020)5539311-13 - Fax: 5537571
Nuziveedu Seeds P Ltd - Subeej House, 6/12, Brodiepetth, Guntur-2 - Tel: 350 889/779
Omega Ag-seeds India Ltd. - 3-6-237, Amrutha Estate, - Lingapur-LA-Building Complex Flat 12, 6th Floor, - Himayatnagarm Hyderabad-29 - Tel: (020) 455775,452365 - Fax: 452365
Padgilwar Agencies - 76, Central Avenue, - Gandhibaug, Nagpur 440018
Pahuja Seeds P Ltd. - C-26, Indira Market, Old Sabji Mandi, Delhi-7 - Tel: (011) 238738,2917763, - Fax: 2917763
Palamoor Seeds - X Rd, Bhoothpur. (M) , - Distt: Mahub Nagar - (AP) –509382
Patel Agro Seeds - Royal Complex, Bhutkhana Chowk, - Dhebar Rd. Rajkot-360002 - Tel: (079) 222847,231363 - Fax: 449267
Patel Seeds Corpn. - Oil Subzi Mandi, P O Padra, - Dist: Baroda, Gujarat - Tel: (02662) 23434
Patel Seeds P Ltd - Gujarat - Tel: (079) 5503260/1920
Patni Traders - Paras Agro Complex, - Damle Chowk, Nr, - Santoshi Mata Mandir, - Akola-444001. - Tel: (0724) 433717/4337817 - Fax: 431139
PHI Biogene Ltd. - Ahmedabad Tel: (079) 453463
Pioneer Overseas Corpn. - E-29/B Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027. - Tel: (011) 5454404 - Fax: 5440973
Pocha Seeds P Ltd - Po Box 55,Near Solapur Bazaar, Pune-40 - Tel: (020) 671978/79 - Fax: 672987
Poorna Seeds P Ltd. - 462, Subashnagar, - NELMANGALA. - Dist: Bangalore-562123 - Tel: 22208 - Fax:22220
Prabha Seeds - 28, Geeta Complex, Subhash Rd. - Cotton Market, Nagpur-440018 - Tel: (0712) 727342,728211 - Fax: 551677
Prabhat Agri Bitech P Ltd - 3-6-68/7, 1st floor, Hyderguda - Hyderabad-29 - Tel: (040) 597537/243689 - Fax: 241464
Pravaradhan Seeds - 8-11, Lal Bahadur Stadium, Hyderabad-1 - Tel: (040)237917/233397
Prithvi Seeds P Ltd - 22-1135, Udaynagar bank Colony. - Opp Kotapet Fruit Market, Lane, Dilsukh Nagar Hyderabad-500060 - Tel: 4048813,4049725
Proagro Seed Co Ltd. - A-311, Ansal Chamber No1,3, - Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 - Tel(011) 6191163,6174120 - Fax: 6192084 - E mail: -
Pruthvi Agro Tech P Ltd. - 51/8/1 A, Vijaya Shopping Complex, opp market yard, - Kurnool-518003
Punjab State Seeds Corpn. Ltd - SCO Nos. 835-36, sector 22A - Chandigarth
Pure seeds genetics international P Ltd - 26/18, east Patel Nagar, - New Delhi 110008 - Tel: (011) 5740310/1955 - Fax: 5755387/4200
R K Seeds Farms - 316, Amber Tower, Commercial Complex, Azadpur - Delhi-110033 - Tel: (011) 7233743
Raashi Fertilizers Ltd - 802, Swastik Chambers, C.S.T Rd, Chembur, Mumbai-400071 - Tel: (022) 5525352 - (4 lines) - Fax: 5521750
Raja hybrid seeds Ltd - Mama Chowk, - Jalna –431203
Rajaram G. Patil Seeds P Ltd. - Shakar Bhavan, Shivaji Rd. Nasik-422002 - Tel: (0253) 578719/9691/4730 - Fax: 581581 - Email : -
Rajendra Seed Co - 34/B New Mondha, Bus stand rd, Jalna 431203
Rallis India ltd - Rallis House, 21 D S Marg, - P O Box 166, Mumbai-40001 - Tel: 080-2265200-2265201
Rassi Seeds P Ltd - P B No. 30,273, Kamrajnar Rd, - Atttur Dist: Salem-636102 - Tel: 40158,40458 - Fax: 41558
S K Seeds Pvt Ltd - D.No.22-7-732, Mir Alam Mandi, Hyderabad-500002 - Tel: 565894
S.B. Enterprises - 19, Ganesh Chamber, Karve Road, pune-4
S.M. Darak and Sons - 3766/3833, Mama Chock, Jalna-431203
Sagar Agro Inputs - 73, Jagevganj, Aalote Dist: Ratlam-457114 - Tel: (011) 22477,22022
Saagar Laxmi Seeds - 206, Ashwamegh Avenue, - Mayur Colony, - Near Under Fridge, - Mithakhali,Ahmedabad-9
Sai Krishna Agencies - Mr V. Venkateswara Rao, - Managing partner 6—141, - Upstairs, 5/4, Arudelpet Funtur-2 - Tel: 355493
Sanjay Hybrid Seed Co. Pvt. Ltd. - Rajendra Mandhane, - MD mama Chowk, Jalna-431203 - Tel: (02482) 30962,30963 - Fax: 32056
Sartaj Seeds Farm - Jaintpur Estate-843123, - Muzaffarpur - Tel: (0621) 247388 - Fax: 06223-44501
See Kay Seeds - 12th km, opp jakkur aerodrome, - yelahanka Road, - Bangalore-560064 - Tel: (080) 8462606 - Fax: 3334804
Seedco Agro Industries - 8, Pawar Chamber, New Mondha, - Jalna-3
Seema Cotton Development - and research Association - 11, Shanmugha Manaram, - PB –3871, Race Course, Coimbatore-641018
Selvam, Hybrid seeds - Mr. S. Iiavarasu - 206-D, Kamrajnagar Road, Attur-636102
Shanti Seeds Company - 125, Bhavani peth, - Gul Ali Pune-411 042 - Tel: (020) 65945,7085
Sharda Seeds - 124, Navjeevan Complex, - Station Rd, Jaipur - Tel:366541,372075 - Fax: 369141
Sharda Seeds Ltd - C-C-111-40-41, Janata Bhavan Road, - Sirsa (Haryana)-125055 - Tel: (01666) 20628,20383 - Fax: 22854
Sheetal Hybrid Seeds Co, Ltd - A-2, Old MIDC Area, - Jalna-431203
Shiv seeds - At po- Sade, Tal-Rahuri, Ahmednagar-Dist.
Shree Seeds Corporation - Cotton Market Rd. - opp Karve Enterprises, Amravati-444601 - Tel: 74561,73904 - Fax: 744878
Shri Kisan Enterprises - 7/1, Ushaganj, Vaibhav Chambers, Indore-I - Tel: (0731)467821,4629655
Shriram Bio Seeds Genetics(I) Ltd - 510, 5 th floor, Raghav, B Block , - Raghav Ratna, - Hyderabad-500001 - Tel: (011) 5713442, - Fax: 5781182/575
Singari Seeds - House No, 7-9, Christanpally, - Mahabubnahgar-509382.
Southern Pert-chemical Industries Corporation Ltd. - 7, mount road, Guindy, Chennai-600032 - Tel: (044) 230108/039 - Fax: 232463 - E mail
SPIC PHI Seed Ltd. - Ali Towers, Mezzanine floor, 22 greams Rd - Chennai 600006 - Tel (044) 8274643,8276741 - Fax: 8240926
Sri Nagarjuna Seed p Ltd. - 11-4-184, Naaz Centre, Guntur 522001 - Tel: 224281
Sri Siddhi Vinayagar Farm - 713, Anna Salai, Carex Centre, - 1 floor Chennai-600006 - Tel: (044)8522950 - Fax: 8549490 - E mail :
Sri Venkateswara - Hybrid Seeds - Gosha hospital rd, Adoni (AP) 518301 - Tel: 52249,53027
Sutton and Sons (I) P Ltd. - K-26, Connaught Circus, opp Plaza Cinema, - New Delhi, 110001 - Tel: 3322 407/111 - Fax: 334916,374623
Suyog Seed Co. - 58/18, main bus stand road, - Deulgaon raja, - buldhana Dist:443204
T. Stains and Co. Ltd. - 8/23/24, race cource rd, - P.O Box no 3709, - Coimbatore-641018 - Tel: (0422) 2135 15/18/17/16 - Fax: 21586
The Consolidated Seeds Co - P O Box 1139, 186 Bashyagaralu Road, - Coimbatore,-641002 - Tel: 0422-440022/34 - Fax: 448896
The Sima Cotton Development and Research Association. - Chief executive P O box no 3871, Race Course, - Coimbatore-18 - Tel: 0422-211391/2/3/4 - Fax: 217160
Tulshyan Agencies - Vallabh Complex, Tilak Rd. Near Uday Talkies, - Akola-444001 - Tel: 0724-442160
Tulsi Seed P Ltd. - 10-2-30 women’s’ college road - Guntur 1
Tungbhadra Agrotech P Ltd - f-3 ,Industrial Estate, - Kurnool-518003
Tushar enterprises - 15, gitamandir complex, - Nagpur
U.P. Seeds and Tarai - Development Corporation Ltd - Pantanagar, - P O haldi udham singh nagar (UP) 263146 - Tel: 040-869728,847769 - Fax: 845924
V.D Parekh - 55, Canning street , 2nd - floor room no H/10 - GPO box 2524 - Calcutta 700001 - Tel: 033-264265 - Fax: 954321
Varad agritech Ltd. - 3-5-784/2/8/A, Shri Sai Heights, - Flat No 2 Kingkoti, - opp Parada Gate, - Hyderabad-29
Vijay Seeds Co. P Ltd - A9/17, New MIDC, Opp, Sham Lodge, - Jalna-3 - Tel: 30654/34247 - Fax: 30499 - E mail:
Vikki’s Agro Tech Ltd. - Plot no 70, Near post office, - Srinagar colony, - Hyderabad-500073
Vikram Seed p Ltd - 209, Ashwamegh Avenue, - Mithakhadi under bridge, - Mayur colony, Navarangpura. - Ahmedabad 380009. - Tel: 079-6420089/90
Vivekanand Seed Co - 56 Sardar Patil Market, - Bus stand - Mansa (Guj) 382845
West Bengal State - Seed Corporation Ltd - 4, Gangadhar babu lane, 5th floor, Calcutta-12 - Tel: 033- 269311/274369 - Fax: 275591
Western Agri Seeds P Ltd. - 231, Ellora Commercial Centre, - Salapose Rd, Nr, GPO, - Ahmedabad 380001 - Tel: 079-5507189 - Fax: 5507770
Winfarm Agro Industries Ltd - 112/113, Ramanshree Arcade, 1st floor, - 18 M G Road, - Bangaloore-560001
Zuari Agro Chemicals Ltd. - Jaikisan Bhavan, Zuarinagar Goa-403726 - Aurangabad - Tel: 332518 - Tel: 020- 604363 - Fax: 604017

Vegetables Companies

Ajinkya Seeds - 2, Sairaj Apartments, - Survey no.14, Wadgaon Bk., - Anandnagar, Pune:411 051 - Tel: 4334052
Asgrow, USA - C/o. Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co.Ltd. - Raheja Towers, - 4th Floor, West Wing, M.G.Road, - Bangalore: 1 - Tel: (080)5589587/91, - Fax: 5588179
Century Seeds Pvt.Ltd - BA-22, Phase 2, Mangolpuri Industrial Area, - Delhi - Tel: (011)7017061,7019890 - Email-
Daftari Agro Private Limited - Seloo Post, Wardha-442104, - Tel: 41043
Golden Seeds Private Limited - B-22A,Block-B, Brigade NM, Building, - K.R.Cross, Yediyur, - Bangalore: 560 082 - Tel: (080)-6646764, - Fax: 080-6656742
Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt.Ltd - PO Box No. 7099,17th Cross,2nd - `A’ Main, K.R.Rd, BSK 2nd Stage, - Bangalore: 560 070 - Tel: (080) 6650111 - Fax: 6650479
J.K.Agri-Genetics - (A division of J K Industries Ltd) - 20, Paigah Colony, - behind Anand Theatre, S.P.Road, - R.V.P.(HS) Secundrabad: 3 - Tel: (040)843329, 840995, - Fax: 840995
Namdeo Umaji and Company - 1-1-167, Dr. Ambedkar Road, - Bycullar, Mumbai: 400 027 - Tel: (022) 3725674,3722628,Fax: 3739662 - Email:
Nath Royal Ltd - Aurangabad - Tel: (0240) 333313, 14, 15,16 Fax: 331188
Nav Maharashtra - Chakan Oil Mills Ltd - Nav Maharashtra House, - 43, Shaniwar Peth, - Opp. Shaniwar wada, - Pune: 411 030 - Tel: (020) 448365/52, - Fax: 54450187
Namdhari Seeds (Pvt)Ltd - 119, Arasappa Complex, 9th Main Rd, Ideal House, - Raj Rajeshwari, Nagar, - Bangalore: 39 - Tel: (080) 2210987, - Fax: 8602168
Novartis India Seeds Division - Seeds House, 1170/27, Revenue Colony - Shivaji nagar, Pune: 411005 - Tel: (020) 5539311-13, - Fax: 5537571
Proagro Seed Company Ltd - A-311, Ansal Chamber No.1, 3, - Bhikaji Cama Place, - New Delhi: 110 066 - Tel: (011) 6191163, 6174120, Fax: 6192084 - Email:
Sartaj Seeds Farms - P B No. 19, Hajipur, N.Bhihar - Tel: (06224) 72847, 73675®
Sun Seeds India Pvt.Ltd - 10-1-127/1, Masab Tank, - Hyderabad-500 028
Sungro Seeds Ltd., - 207, Aradhana Bhawan. - Azadpur, Delhi: 33 - Tel: (011) 7133045, 7211858, Fax: 7241357
Sunseeds India Private Limited - 10-1-127/1, Masab Tank, - Hybderabad-500 028 - Tel: (040) 3324040-4242, - Fax: 3323737
Vijay Seeds Co. (P) Ltd - A9/17, New MIDC, Opp. Sham Lodge, - Jalna- 431203, - Tel: 30654/34247 Fax: 30499 - Email:-
Flowers - Flower and Seeds companies in India
Fertilizer Seeds 2025
Sowing the Seeds of a Crisis With Fertilizer Tariffs: Why European policymakers are making a mistake | Scott Semet Independent Institute
Changing the DNA of Living Things to Fight Climate Change The New York Times
Corn seeds sprayed with DNA-altered bacteria may reduce fertilizer use Environmental Health News
Researchers are modifying the DNA of corn seeds to reduce pollution and dependence on fertilizer UK College of Communication and Information