

Phosphorus  - - Soil. Organic and Natural Products - Fertilizer
Phosphorus - Soils. Organic and Natural Products - Fertilizers
P = PHOSPHORUS - A natural phosphate rock product can be the best source of phosphorus. Phosphate rock is most effective when applied in combination with manure (3 to 5 lbs. of manure per pound of phosphate). Treat the manure with CBPA and work into the soil. Wait 20 to 30 days and work the phosphate rock into the top layer of soil.
Phosphorus (P) is important for healthy roots and is used more heavily during blooming and seed set. Phosphorus is easily rendered unavailable to plants when the pH is slightly unbalanced. It is released in soil through decomposing organic matter.
Phosphorus deficiency is recognized by dull green leaves and purplish stems. The plant is generally unhealthy, sometimes yellowing. Lack of blooming with lush green foliage may also indicated a lack of phosphorus. Organic phosphorus can be found in rock phosphate, bone meal and various liquid organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion.
Phosphorus (P) in Soil - The phosphorus test measures that phosphorus that should be available to the plant. The optimum level will vary with crop, yield and soil conditions, but for most field crops a medium to optimum rating is adequate. For soils with pH above 7.3 the sodium bicarbonate test will determine the available P.
Soil Macro-nutrients include : nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S).
Nitrogen (N)
Phosphorus (P)
Potassium (K)
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Sulphur (S)
Copper (Cu)
Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn)
Zinc (Zn)
Sodium (Na)
Salt Salinity
N-P-K  -
Fertilizer Soil Phosphorus 2024
The global fate of inorganic phosphorus fertilizers added to terrestrial ecosystems
Efficacy of DAP coated with bacterial strains and their metabolites for soil phosphorus availability and maize growth
Organophosphate Fertilizers Based on Biochars and Phosphorus Availability in the Soil ACS Publications
Enhancing maize phosphorus uptake with optimal blends of high and low-concentration phosphorus fertilizers Frontiers