Spagnum Moss
Spagnum Moss Bio Fertilizer, Organic and Natural Products
Spagnum Moss BioFertilizer, Organic and natural products and fertilizers
Organic Spagnum Moss Fertilizer - Benefits and features
Sphagnum moss can be considered one of the best soil amendment and substrate: it is homogenous, easy to handle and has shown the best growth results; with a competitive price.
Yields excellent water and air exchange capacity.
Provides enhanced root growth and ideal cation exchange capacity (CEC).
Provides excellent buffering capabilities.
Saves water by retaining moisture and releasing it slowly.
Saves on fertilizer by reducing nutrient leaching.
Protects soil from hardening and adds organic material
Contains completely fermented organic matters which will improve the physical properties of all soils, enrich air aeration, water and nutrients retention capacity and reduce acidity as well.
Contains considerable ammounts of N, P, K, Mg and trace elements.
Enrich the amounts of trace elements and fertilizer efficiency of 3 major elements in soil as well as to minimise leaching due to rainfall.
Aerates heavy, clay soil and binds sandy soil.
Comes in convenient packaging
It is a Renewable resource.
Sphagnum moss - give a top quality investment with profits at long term.
Sphagnum moss is recognized as a renewable biomass resource, according to the I.S. Bureau of Mines.
The industry also has instituted a Preservation and Reclamation Policy designed to protect the Canadian ecosystem.
Over the past five years, more than $1 million has been spent on research to find ways to speed up restoration in Canada.
Contains a variety of beneficial micro-organisms and enzymes which accelerates and improves plant growth and prevent plants from catching diseases.
Overcome hardpans problems in soil due to excessive application of agrochemicals and chemical fertilizer.
Can improve health and hardiness in a wide variety of plants. It does this by supplying the plant root zone beneficial microorganisms, humic acid and organic fungi and actinomyces, humic and fulvic acids, and organic fertilizer nutrients.
Growing trials conducted by an independent research center at a professional greenhouse compared various soils amended with peat, coir, compost and blends.
Sphagnum moss used in horticulture undergoes rigid testing, documented quality control and purity checks to ensure that it meets your needs.
Sphagnum moss - Sustainable management practices
Sphagnum Moss Suppliers, Sphagnum Moss Traders, Sphagnum
Moss Wholesalers, Sphagnum Moss Exporters - Moutere River Company Ltd, New
New Zealand - Sphagnum mossThe sphagnum moss that is
produced for export from New Zealand is mostly from privately owned land.
The sphagnum moss is harvested from existing swamps that cover an
area from Karamea in the north of the South Island to Haast in the top of
the southern area of the South Island with isolated pockets of sphagnum
moss in other areas outside this region. This sphagnum moss
harvesting area covers approximately 1,300,000 hectares (3,212,300 acres).
In the past it was quite common for swamp areas where sphagnum moss
grew to be dug and channelled to allow the land to be put to productive
With the onset of demand for New
Zealand sphagnum moss for use in horticultural production, it became
clear that there was potential for leaving the swamps to regenerate after
harvesting of the sphagnum moss . This typically takes 3-5 years.
Today there are swamps from which sphagnum moss is harvested that
have been harvested twice before. The rate of regeneration of sphagnum
moss is dependant upon the degree of removal of sphagnum moss .
Pickers of sphagnum moss will leave approximately 10-20% of the
shorter strands of sphagnum moss in the swamp and over the years
this will regenerate to the point where it will again be viable for
harvesting. Through a process of trial and error, the pickers have learned
that to completely remove all sphagnum moss from a swamp, allows
exotic species of weeds to take root and inhabit the areas. With demand
for New Zealand sphagnum moss now quite considerable, and with
every conceivable swamp having been located, the necessity to encourage
the regeneration of sphagnum moss is paramount. Therefore, by the
simple process of market forces, supply and demand, the swamp areas are
being maintained, as near as can be determined, in their original state.
There are sphagnum moss swamps owned by the state organisation, the
Department of Conservation, some of which have been leased out for
sphagnum moss harvesting and others that have never been and never
will be touched. On top of this there are two national parks at either end
of the South Island covering a total area of over 1,689,000 hectares
(4,173,519 acres) that cannot be accessed for sphagnum moss
harvesting of any kind. It is unknown how much of that area is in
sphagnum moss swamp but it would be at least the same again as
existing commercial sphagnum moss swamps.
All harvesting of sphagnum moss is done by hand as any machinery would damage the existing swamp. Harvested bags of wet sphagnum moss are either carried out by hand or flown out of the
swamps by helicopter to waiting trucks on nearby roads. The sphagnum
moss is then dried in tunnel houses constructed of plastic covered
hoops. This gives maximum heat from the sun as well as wind to dry the
sphagnum moss to the necessary moisture level to be ready for
sorting and cleaning before being compressed into packs for export. Almost
all New Zealand sphagnum moss packing factories are certified by
the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to ensure the sphagnum
moss is free from insects, pests and diseases.
There are no regulatory authorities governing the extraction
of sphagnum moss from private land or from land owned by the state
designated for sphagnum moss harvesting. There is a, however, a
Sphagnum Moss Packers Association which is an informal group that
meets every two months to discuss the state of the industry and whose
object is; To promote membership of a cohesive group of moss
exporters fostering communication on quality grades and standards; to
establish and promote a brand image; to develop trust within the
association and industry for its sustainability, and to create a forum for
discussion of topics current and future related to the industry.
Sphagnum moss in Chile - All the sphagnum moss harvested in
Chile comes from privately owned land. In much the same
way as the New Zealand sphagnum moss harvesting areas, much of the
land that would originally have been sphagnum moss swamp land has
been dug and channelled to create productive farming land. The isolated
pockets of sphagnum moss swamp around the areas of Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas and the island of Chiloć»are harvested using the knowledge
gained from the sphagnum moss industry of New Zealand . Most of the
sphagnum moss exporters in Chile have affiliations
with New Zealand sphagnum moss exporters who have imparted their
knowledge and skills to ensure the sustainability of the sphagnum
moss from Chile . It appears that the sphagnum moss
swamps in Chile re-grow very well with regenerating
swamps only three years old yielding excellent quality sphagnum
moss . As in New Zealand , there are no regulatory
authorities governing the extraction of sphagnum moss from private
land, but the market forces will determine that only sustainable
management of the sphagnum moss resource can provide the returns
necessary for successful business. Chile does not employ
helicopters to extract sphagnum moss from swamps, instead using
more traditional methods such as bullocks and carts. The sphagnum
moss is transported to the drying areas where the same controls for
cleanliness and quality of sphagnum moss product as used in
New Zealand are employed. The sphagnum moss is
inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries for phytosanitary
certification (pests and diseases) prior to export.